An ode to Henry Winkler! Long live the Fonz. You rock, dude.
Today's subject: humorous folders. Whilst stocking school supplies at Walmart yesterday, I came upon some "attitude folders," on sale just in time for back to school. They were supposed to be all popular and witty in a sassy sort of way, but they were so random that they just came off as completely ridiculous. Here are a few of the slogans written on them:
"You make me look good!"
"What happened to recess?"
"Save the humans"
and my absolute favorite:
"Lather. Rinse. Repeat."
Fabulous! I'm seriously contemplating purchasing one. Just for the sheer idiocy of it.
Back to the Fonz, I would also like to include in this entry a story about my friends Ben, Christian, and JD. They were on a road-trip a couple summers ago, and all three of them had been sitting in the car for several hours. Nature was calling each of them pretty loudly, but by the time they got to a gas station to go, they had been holding it for so long that they could hardly see straight. When they got to the bathroom, it was locked and in use. They knocked and someone said "Just a minute." They stood and waited for what felt to them like substantially longer than a minute. Finally, in their impatience, they all three of them started banging on the door. The guy finally opened the door, and to the shock of all three of them, "the guy" was HENRY WINKLER. Ben, Christian, and JD all stood speechless and stared at him. The Fonz was looking funny at them, probably because they were all staring at him after banging on the bathroom door. Given the circumstances, I'm surprised they didn't wet themselves. I would have without a doubt.
What I want to know more about is the title ..."The State vs. Elisabeth Whittaker, August 4th 2005 ..." Are you headed for the penn?
A genetically invested bystander ...
Dear genetically invested bystander,
Not the penn. Just traffic court. But I thought it sounded cool. Maybe I'll go to law school...
You mean like on va-ca? Let's all go! Road trip! But not really. Wow. Cool story. I wish I had almost tried to knock the bathroom door down on the Fonz. Sweetness.
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