I've decided to start adding photos to my blogs...I felt this one was appropriate, considering the content of this entry.
Ah, the joy of having days off from work! Yesterday was spent...come to think of it, I don't remember too much of what I did yesterday. As a matter of fact, I just remember being really bored for most of yesterday. I did some rearranging around the house and then spent the next half a dozen hours doing things like watching TV, polishing thumbtacks and staring into the inner workings of a bouncy ball. That last thing I probably would have done for several hours, had I not been rescued by a phone call after 15 minutes or so. Here's a fun coincidence...everyone else was out somewhere, so I was sitting on the couch, bouncy ball in hand, when my good friend Ben called me and asked what I was doing right then. When I replied "Absolutely NOTHING," he said good, he's in Rexburg, and would I like to go see "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" with him? After careful consideration of all of my other options, I decided that it would be most advantageous to favor Ben with my presence. Actually, that's a lie, I just said yes and ran to get ready to get out of the house. As I was getting ready, my roomate Sarah calls me and says "Hey, we're going to go see 'Hitchhiker's" do you want to come?" I said sure, Ben's on his way to get me right now. She said "BEN'S HERE?" Apparently, Sarah and the girls had no idea that all the Playmill kids were in town, and that all of them were going to see the movie. Weird, huh? Rexburg is too small. So, anyway, we all watched Hitchhiker's together, which was wonderful. Douglas Adams...a man of pure genius. Although Mindy fell asleep...she said it "just wasn't her kind of movie." I don't get it. It's FABULOUS! Oh, well, I guess we can't all be cult followers; then there wouldn't be anything distinguishing about it. Having just re-read the book recently, I noticed so many more things that they included! And not only that, but I finally figured out where I recognized the actor who played Zaphod Beeblebrox from. It's the hair, it threw me off. But with a little help from IMDB, I realized that he also played Guy in "Galaxy Quest." Ha-HA! I love it when I figure these things out.
Today was spent eating, sleeping, talking, and watching "Batman Begins," which I really enjoyed, although they could have panned out on the fight scenes a little more. But Christian Bale actually had some nice moments, and for once in his career, he managed to pull off a decent screen-kiss. Not a bad bulking up for the role either.
Moving on, while watching "Generations" the other night, I was suddenly jolted back into my childhood memories by one word. Let's see if this rings a bell with anyone else...TRIBBLES. I totally forgot about tribbles! I just forgot they existed, completely forgot about that great "Trouble With Tribbles" Star Trek! And then the other one when they go back to it! Now that I remember, the whole world looks a little friendlier. Of course, now it also means I've got to track someone down who owns it so that I can borrow and watch. In the meantime, I may settle for "Fern Gully," which I found sitting in our movie collection here. Ah, childhood. Californian, early 90's, ultra-liberal childhood.
Anyway, now that I've got the bowl rolling, I invite you all to take a little meander down memory lane. See if you can describe your childhood in 4 words. I sort of already just did that with mine, but here, let me give you an example...my childhood in 4 words would be: library, pavement, imagination, and bunkbed. Childhood was pretty fun.
Although there are advantages to being older...going to movies with boys for example, even if there are tons of other people there. =)
Um, my childhood in four words....liz, cardboard boxes, trees, imagination. Yeah, that was a little tough, but I think that pretty much sums it up. You know, reading Hitch-hiker's, I still love the movie, but there are a TON of things they left out, you must admit. Oh well. Life can't be fair. And yeah, I remember Tribbles! Yay! This is so much fun! I love you Liz and I miss you soooo much!
Didn't watch Fraggle Rock, but I was also totally into Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
games, capital, grass, happiness
Don't you wish you were 8 again!?
...I must protest...power rangers were only cool because of their shiny costumes. The fraggles was Sesame Seeds on crack or something, so it was ten times cooler. But I always felt bad for the old guy though.
And teenage mutant nina turtles rocked my world, but I must admit, the show I never missed with Care-a-Lot. It's that snappy theme-song dang it! *singing* care-a-lot, it's a place we often go...*singing*
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