I HATE mono.
And have I ever mentioned my insomnia? Seems like mono would cure that, but noooooo. I STILL can't get to sleep at a decent hour, even when I WANT to. Here's the problem:
I have mono. It's the very end of the semester. There's a wedding to be planned, homework to be done, a house to be cleaned, and health to be regained. All of that makes me anxious. And anxiety keeps me from getting good sleep. When I don't get good sleep, I don't get better. When I don't get better, I'm anxious and can't sleep.
All of that =

Better get back to relaxation techniques. Or sleeping pills.
holi-heartbreak. i cant even tell you how much you belong there.
I am saving that "vicious cycle" picture and using it at any opportunity I get.
I'm sorry you are so sick and stressed out! It will get better soon, I promise!
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