We're going to be at the Playmill this summer (can't wait can't wait can't wait), and then Jacob has one more semester of school left. And after that...who knows? We've tossed around a few ideas, but in reality, we don't have any solid plan. We could move to southern Oregon to be involved in the Shakespeare festival, we could move to New York City and go for acting, we could stay here and teach, we could go to grad school (which we actually don't really want to do right now), we could move out to the country and have a million babies.
Oh yeah, and we do want to have kids at some point, but we're just still trying to figure out when the right time is for us. We've been married three years, and a lot of our friends were married for a shorter time than that before expanding their families. Sometimes I get baby-hungry, but waiting was the right choice for Jacob and I. We'll keep you posted if that changes. In the meantime, it makes it difficult to make any long-term plans.
Anyway, the possibilities are endless. And sometimes terrifying. Question marks can be scary. But ultimately, I feel like it will be okay.
I've been redecorating our living room, and as I do so, I can't help but think, "What's the point? We're not even going to be here this summer and then we're probably going to move soon after that anyway." And then I remember that we can take all of our belongings with us when we move...the filing cabinet I repainted and the wall decor and the curtains. All the work we've put into our lives together can be carried with us wherever we go. And even if we DID have to leave all of our possessions behind, we'd still have each other. And that makes the question marks okay.
I know that's super-cheesy, but question marks really aren't so intimidating when you've got your best friend and companion by your side.
These are always the moments that you know, in your heart, you'll miss when you're older and established and, you know, own things. But when they're upon you, you just want to know what the next year will look like.
Thanks so much for all of his info,,,,,,,,
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