So I know I already did a Thanksgiving post, but here's another one.
I would just like to take a moment to announce, yet again, that I am dating one of the greatest men currently living on the planet. Probably one of the greater men who's ever lived on the planet.
And out of the millions of girls he could have dated, I'm daily astounded that he chose me. The odds are astronomical...that the person you adore adores you back. And it seems to happen all the time. I'm still just astonished that it's happened to ME.
Now that's something to be grateful for.
He's the diamond in the rough, the prince in disguise, the William Darcy/Gilbert Blithe/Captain Moroni/Edward Cullen/Stan Claxton every girl dreams of. Except he's better.
And here's just one reason why.
I love you two so much more than anything. Thank you for letting me sneak-peek into your life for a little while :)
Ah yes, I've heard about you. ^_^ Why thank you!! You make me feel cooler than I already am! Gilmore Girls? Ingrid Michaelson? MLIA?! Why Liz, I think we might be soul mates. You know, in a very non-lesbian way.
We are also soul mates in a very non-lesbian way!
cutest thing ever. that jacob, he sounds like a keeper.
You are so gushy and gooey and sappy.
And yet I approve*.
*Jacob--standard big-brother-hurt-her-and-I'll-stomp-your-entrails-into-space-like-pill-form-food threat applies.
Miss you.
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