14 Lies
(Or “ Wishful Thinking”)
If I’ve lived in Idaho
for the last four years
this shouldn’t feel cold to me.
I am a natural redhead.
Men with commitment issues
are an urban myth.
Milk chocolate
is good for you.
Janis Joplin never did
any drugs.
Comic Frenzy will be
I will be a part of it.
I’ll never have acne
during this mortal
life again.
I’ll make a habit
of going to the gym
There was nothing
I could have done for him.
We’ll both be accepted
to study
at The Actor’s Studio.
And then interviewed
by James Lipton.
He never slept with her.
One day I’ll see
the Beatles.
Chef Boyardee is the same as
real spaghetti
and home-made sauce.
When I get back, it will be my turn.
This is the semester that
something will
finally happen.
at least several of those are false
you will see the beatles live
they will just be ... dead
music exists beyond this world
because that's where it originated from of course.
evidence: have you heard euro pop?
Europop rox my sox.
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