Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Breaking convention

The roomate who accompanied me on my Thanksgiving excursion pointed out that I failed to mention a lot of other fun things that occured. I would like to dedicate this blog to them. Please note the following great treasures of memory:

Indian (as in Asia) dancing around our kitchen to Rufus Wainwright...
Peeling and cutting apples for apple crisp (which I didn't even get to eat any of) for 2 hours...
Air hockey tournaments so intense that half of the time the puck was flying across the room instead of across the table...
Hiding pumpkin pie and whipped cream in obscure places to save for a midnight snack later, even though we forgot about it and slept anyway....
Doing dishes (I mentioned that in my other blog, but we did it a lot. And it was always me and Lex, which made it really interesting because neither of us really knew how the dishwasher worked or when any of the dishes went once they were clean...)
Spending one rainy afternoon with Dad, Lex, and Beckah, driving all the way to Union just for the heck of it and being scared out of our minds by a creepy, 2-story tall rabbit-sloth looking thing that we saw in a window in downtown Union...

I think my fondest memory of all is of the day we went on a picnic and explored the La Grande cemetary. (Morbid? Not at all. But you know it's a small town when the dead people are more entertaining.) There were two especially great moments that I would like to share. One was when Alexis was reading a tombstone that said "President of the F.E.C.U." But she was reading it completely phonetically and said out loud (in a graveyard) "What? President of the fek-yu club?" The other also involved Alexis being irreverant, when she spotted a tombstone bearing the name "Divers." Only Alexis would think to dance around next to it and yell "Look, guys, I'm in divers places!"
Why is it that the people I hang out with don't know when to be reverant? :) Not that I wasn't laughing at any of this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those were some funny things you missed from your trip. By the way, why did you have to hide the pie? was it cuz everyone would've eaten it or was it just forbidden to be eaten besides dinner time? anyways man o man alexis, you are hilarious..seriously, I don't understand how people can think of funny things like that. Like seeing the name divers and thinking 'hey look guys, i'm in divers places'. For real, who thinks that, I only wish I was that witty. Anyways Liz, I just want to say, your blogs are interesting and fun to read. Thanks